Archaeological Illustration
Specialty Courses
This is the online theory component of the Archaeological Illustration course taught by Mark Hoyle.
Cannon Research and Recording Course
Specialty Courses
£50 course fee, 5 credits for NAS membersLearn at your own pace about the history of cannon development and how to identify key features of cannon. Also, get tips from the professionals about how to record cannon above or below the water. While the course is online in delivery, you'll finish with practical skills in how to record cannon and use them to monitor and identify archaeological sites.Course development has been supported by a grant from Historic England
Photography and Photogrammetry for Maritime Archaeology
Specialty Courses
£50 course fee, 5 credits for NAS members; This is a course for beginners on how to use the technique of photogrammetry to record artefacts, features and sites to create 3D models of them for use in maritime archaeology.; Anyone can complete this theory course, but to create the 3D models participants will require reasonably new computers with AMD or Nvidia graphics card. Note that MAC users will only be able to use one of the two recommended photogrammetry programmes in Module 6. Course development has been supported by a grant from Historic England
Identifying Explosive and Environmental Hazards on Wrecks 2024
Specialty Courses
Learn how to contribute to the MoD's potentially polluting wrecks programme by completing this pre-requisite course for NAS MoD diving projects. Learn to safely dive on military wrecks, identify environmental and explosive hazards on wrecks and write useful desk-based assessments on potentially polluting wrecks.This course consists of four hours of videos to watch at your own pace, followed by two live online sessions.
QGIS in Maritime Archaeology
Specialty Courses
This online introductory course will provide an overview of features in QGIS – a freely available GIS software package commonly used by archaeologists. While the skills learned during this course are applicable to archaeology in general, there will be a focus on use of the programme for maritime archaeology.