Once you've finished your eLearning with NAS, the next step is to do the practical training that goes with it. Depending on where you are in the world as you do your eLearning, will also determine where you'll want to do your practical training - unless you feel like a holiday with a difference!
Here are your options:
We have International Training Partners that offer our courses. You can see a map of them here which also includes their contact details to find out when they are next holding courses.
Those courses that we know are happening, anywhere in the world, are listed here.
We've recently planned a number of Underwater Skills Days at Stoney Cove Dive Centre in the UK. See our events page for dates and more information.
We are also running a week long NAS course in partnership with the International Centre for Maritime Archaeology in Croatia. If you fancy some warm weather and clear visibility diving on Roman and Medieval wrecks then sign up for the course 16-22 May. Applications close on 4th April so be quick!
I hope this information is useful to help you further your archaeological interests.
As always, feel free to contact me with any questions.
NAS Education Officer